Le Système G - L'intonation juste enfin trouvée ! - Positions et expressivité

G System - The right theory of natural intervals, at last! - Positions and expressivity

Il Sistema G - La giusta teoria degli intervalli naturali, finalmente! - Pozizioni ed espressività

Following a TONAL ANALYSIS of the score according to the rules of the positions of the G System, this very simple marking makes interpretation so much easier and allows access to the right intonation unfailingly, without any hesitation, in all tranquility, with the comfort of certainty.

• Note surrounded by a CIRCLE = low position (sadness, languor, moderately)

• Note surrounded by a DIAMOND = high position (intensity, ardor, moderately)

• Note not surrounded = middle position (neutral expression, serenity)

Here is the preliminary coding of the 4 voices of the score “DRAUF SCHLIESS” below:


Correspondance between the names of notes:

DO = C       RE = D       MI = E       FA = F       SOL = G       LA = A       SI = B


Sound illustration: see heading “Western music playlist“.

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